The TEF’s grant application process is based on the evaluation of grant requests on a competitive basis in accordance with the objectives and strategies of the TEF and the broader objectives of Saint Lucia’ Sustainable Tourism Policy.

The TEF Board will determine the amount of funds available for grant making purposes and will provide funding up to that amount, assuming sufficient number of quality proposals.

4.1 Grant Duration

Grants awarded by the TEF shall have a maximum duration of [two (2) years].

4.2 Applicants

Applicants for grant funding must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in section 3.1 above.

No applicant who has previously received grant funding shall be eligible for further grant funding unless the applicant has demonstrated clear success in meeting the objectives of the prior grant awarded within the terms of the relevant grant agreement.

The TEF Board may consider allocating amounts for projects and programs and for Government and NGOs in each funding cycle.

4.3 Execution of Grant Agreement

The Secretariat shall prepare, negotiate and executive a Grant Agreement with the Grant Applicant (Appendix 14). Each Grantee must sign the Grant Recipient Agreement (Appendix 14) once a project has been approved.

Subsequent disbursements shall be in keeping with the Disbursement Schedule. Requests for disbursement must be accompanied by a full report on and financial accounting for the activities related to the grant, covering the prior period being reported on, and detailing the projected requirements in accordance with the grant agreement.

4.4 Project Monitoring and Evaluation

All TEF funded grants are required to be monitored and evaluated to test the success of the proposed projects. TEF may provide technical assistance to grant recipients to strengthen their capacity to effectively monitor their work and evaluate their project outcomes.

As monitoring data becomes available through quarterly reports, TEF will make periodic evaluations of project performance relative to stated objectives and will conduct periodic site visits during the grant period, including interviewing of grantees and their community partners, verification of capital inventory, monitoring of activities and, in some cases, identification of additional needed supports.

TEF makes best practices and lessons learned available to all grantees and other stakeholders on an annual basis

4.5 Non-compliance

If a Grantee does not comply with the requirements of the grant:

The CEO contacts the Grantee using a written communication. This will remind the Grantee of the requirements and outlines what the next steps of the Grantee should be. The written communication   should outline the nature of the infringement and should present the Grantee with options and the action that the TEF will take should these options not be implemented within the stipulated time period.

Follow-up communication reminds the Grantee of the failure to comply with the options presented and indicates what action is being taken by the TEF.

4.6 Decommission Policy

Should the grantee fail to comply with the requirements of the grant within the stipulated time frame, the TEF has the option to decommit the grant. This should be viewed as the last resort and should only be exercised after all other options have been explored to ensure implementation of the grant as originally indicated by the Board of Directors of the TEF.

Grant funding approved by the TEF may be decommitted prior to the expiration of the date specified in the Grant Agreement under three (3) circumstances:

  1. a) When four (4) months have elapsed after notification of approval without any work commencing on the project, and without any satisfactory explanation for non-commencement. Where two (2) months have passed after the notification of approval and there is no evidence that work has started on the project, and there is no acceptable reason for this, the Grantee will be reminded in writing of the policy to decommit allocated funds and advised to take appropriate remedial actions. Where possible this letter will be followed up with a telephone call to ensure that the communication was received and understood.
  1. b) Where two (2) months have elapsed after funds were disbursed and no work was effected on the activities for which the funds were disbursed, or where there is an unjustified delay in project implementation for more than two (2) months, even though funds were disbursed to Grantee.
  1. c) Where after four (4) months of notification of Approval, the Grantee failed to satisfy the Pre-disbursement conditions as specified in the Grant Agreement.

If after two (2) months, it becomes evident that the project is not being implemented or that work has ceased, even though the Grantee has received sufficient funds to implement the approved activities, they will be reminded in writing of policy (b) above.

If after three (3) months, there is no evidence that the project has commenced or is being implemented without satisfactory reason, the Grantee will be advised in writing of the decommitment of Grant funding.